Phil Zulli
Natural Health Advocate and Business Trainer
Since 1985
I've Spent My Life
Researching And
Teaching Real Solutions
And Now Here We Are!
My mission has always been to
find new and better ways to reliably improve
the quality of life for
the greatest number of people. For 40 years
I've helped people and companies move towards that goal.
I always knew the day
would come when we would have multiple clinical studies that
proved, beyond any doubt, that we could naturally,
dramatically improve the way people look and feel, and their
biomarkers of health and aging, better than anything else.
In 2024, that day has
come. We've entered a new era, a New Paradigm Of Self-Care and Body
Composition Optimization.
We provide the solutions and teach The Art Of Living™.

I want you to know that I'm qualified to help
you improve
your life.
I specialize in natural and practical solutions that are proven to be
effective. I offer you real results. All of my life I've been committed
to improving the quality of life for as many people as possible, as
reliably as possible. To see positive changes in people and the way it
affects their lives is incredibly rewarding. It is a wonderful way to
contribute to the world.
I believe natural health is holistic; what we think and believe, and
what we feel deep in our heart helps determine our health and our very
reality. This includes the areas of personal growth
and success, in whatever way you personally define success.
We are
healthiest when we are satisfied with our life.

Over the last 40 years I've been deep
inside the natural health industry; learning and promoting the best
healing modalities and products available, continually learning new
methods and discoveries, and creating tools and
trainings that have helped to shape the wellness revolution.
In the 1980's I helped to introduce
and popularize next-level meal replacement shakes, fish oil Omega-3
supplements, adaptogenic herbs, and the most effective drinking
water systems. In the 90's it was targeted aloe vera formulations,
antioxidants, phytochemicals, glucosamine and chondroidin
supplements, and highly specialized herbs and botanicals from the
Amazon Rainforest. In the 2000's I started working with undenatured whey (to
replace soy) protein and intermittant fasting. In 2010, the
year after telomere research won the Nobel Prize in Medicine I
focused on an effective telomere support product developed with one
of the world's leading anti-aging scientists. I still promote all of
these life-changing solutions.
The hard
data, after years of independent, peer-reviewed published university studies,
reveals that our 30 Reset System when used
consistantly can offer greater improvement of the markers of health
and aging than anything else!
I've had
the priviledge to train tens of thousands of people; one-on-one, in
seminars, webinars, and on international teleconferences. I help
people to enlarge their perspective, to be stronger and healthier,
to look better and feel better, and to have the time and financial
freedom to live the life they want and achieve their dreams.

order to improve the quality of life for the greatest number
of people, I learned how to be effective as a success
trainer and business coach. I've built several large and
fast-growing national organizations.
I was in demand as a direct sales and field
communication consultant.
I've served as a
corporate officer for two companies and was the corporate
spokesman, trainer, and in-house marketing consultant for a
$100 million nutritional company. It has been my great
fortune to work with some of the most influential leaders,
and I paid attention.
worked with doctors and healthcare practitioners on
incorporating nutritional supplements into their practice,
and I've counseled and coached thousands of people,
individually and in groups, on optimal health,
weight-control, financial freedom, and personal success.
Since 1989 I pioneered the use of mass
communication tools for our industry and
I've enjoyed hosting thousands of national
and international teleconferences, webinars, and training
events. I created FeelGoodAgain.com in 1996; a website that
introduced people to simple changes for natural, holistic
health. And I'm very proud that my network marketing
Speed-Duplication™ trainings have helped many thousands of
people to be successful in home-based businesses.
I'm driven by results
and I'm blessed to have the ability to help people get what
they want. It's a wonderful way to spend your life.
Solutions. Happiness. Listening, Learning,
Teaching, and Empowerment.
Expertise in natural health modalities; especially
nutrition, anti-aging, weight control, personal growth
Law of Attraction, Emotional Freedom Technique, independent
thinking. And Rock'n Roll.
Business Skills: Marketing, Researcher, Analyst, Network
Marketing, Trainer, Team Builder, Field Communications,
Teleseminar and Webinar Producer and Host, Narrator.
If You're Ready For Change, Ready For A
Better Way...
Let Me Be Your Guide. Let's Connect.
My Story In
People And Experiences That Helped Shape Me And The Lessons I've
I've studied alternative
ideas since I was a teenager. When I was 28 I embraced an
alternative business model promoting and marketing alternative
health. It was a perfect fit for me and allowed me to contribute in
a most powerful way. It took me to awesome places
and high-level understandings that I may not have found otherwise.
I wish I had more
pictures; I was busy living it and not concerned about recording it.
What is here is very significant to me, but by no means the whole picture.
These are some of the impactful moments and the special people that
changed my course and shared my achievements with me. They are among
the top contributors to natural health and personal growth over the last
70 years. And I had the good fortune to be a part of it.

1985: With Herbalife Founder Mark Hughes
My time with Herbalife from 1984-1989 was life-changing for me. I
wanted to make people's lives better since I was a child. The
principles and philosophies that drove Herbalife in those early days
became mine. At 28 yrs old, I finally knew the methods I needed to achieve my
I had the good fortune to be trained directly by Mark Hughes and
Larry Thompson, the founders of Herbalife, who together changed the
future of the health and nutrition industry.
I left
Herbalife in '89 when I
could no longer believe in the path that company took in terms of
product quality, but those experiences changed my life.
Herbalife's early success was driven by unique, timely
health products that produced great results, and an alternative
marketing system that bypassed conventional advertising by using
those results of satisfied Customers to generate a word-of-mouth
phenomenon. The money normally committed to conventional advertising
campaigns was instead shared among those Customers in a leveraged
way that created significant incomes and incentivized rapid growth.
I use a greatly advanced version this
model in my business today; it is life-changing for people who take
advantage of it.
I want to thank Larry Thompson, who developed and implemented the Herbalife model.
The Wall Street Journal has called Larry "The Architect Of Wealth
He's a legend in our industry, and I had the priviledge of being
trained directly by him; the time spent with Larry laid the foundation for my future. Larry molded the principles,
fudamentals, and trainings that spawned the new
leaders that over the years expanded to other companies and grew the industry into a $100+ billion marketplace. I'm
one of them. That
style of
alternative marketing became known as network marketing. Done wrong,
it can be disappointing, even criminal. But network marketing done
well can be miraculous in enhancing people's lives. I learned to do it well
and I teach it that way.
Herbalife was my first experience in the nutritional network
marketing industry. Within eight months I built the largest
distributorship in northeastern Pennsylvania and was producing one
of the largest group volumes in the country. I discovered that people
are really hungry to learn effective, natural ways to look and feel
better, and an alternative way to make a living, improve their
lifestyle, and for some even build wealth.
I found my career, and I committed myself to improving the lives of
the greatest number of people in the most reliable way.
Those eyeglasses, though. ;)

1985: With Mark Hughes at The Senate Sub-Committee Hearing.
This newspaper photo was taken at the Senate Sub-Committee Hearing
on Weight Reduction Products And Plans in May, 1985, after a
month-long media smear campaign against Herbalife. I was brand new
in the industry and was launched immediately into an understanding
of the influence of the pharmaceutical companies and the American
Medical Association on our regulatory agencies and the media. The
medical establishment has a long history of supressing any effective
alternatives to their pharmaceutical drugs and surgeries. They focus
on illness, and I focus on wellness.
Over 4000 Herbalife distributors and customers showed up in DC on
two days notice. We marched Mark over to the Capitol building,
carrying signs about preserving health freedom. During the
hearing the evidence showed Herbalife nutritional products were
shown to be safe and effective, and Mark and the doctors,
researchers, and legal team came out of it with arms raised in
victory. That night we rented the Washington DC Armory because it
was the only space available to handle over 4,000 people on such
short notice. The evidence was presented again that night so
everyone could see it and we celebrated. So we were all pretty
shocked the next morning when CNN and the newspapers continued to
smear the company with quotes from Senators referring to "quackery".
This experience set the course of my new career. I felt the need
to learn as much as I could about nutritional supplements and
alternative health, and to learn best practices for companies in
order to protect themselves from unfair attacks.
I have often acted as an advisor to companies on compliance
issues, and that led to more direct confrontations with regulatory
I believe health freedom is
the right of every person, and access to proven alternatives needs
to be protected vigorously.
It is my opinion that Mark Hughes, Larry
Thompson, and Herbalife changed the public perception of nutritional
supplements and launched the health and nutrition industry as we
know it today. If it were not for that early massive success of
Herbalife we may not have aisles of nutritionals in every
supermarket and the vast online market that exists today.
effect of the Hearing and the continued media smear crippled
Herbalife and within a few years, in order to raise the money to
continue, they became a publically-held corporation run by a Board
Of Directors who made high profits their highest priority. And that
negatively affected the quality of the products. In my opinion, of
course. ;)
So I left Herbalife in 1989, but the experience inspired me
further develop the philosophies and skills that allowed me to help
our industry grow, and help as many people as I could to enjoy a
better quality of life.

1989: Omnitrition- The Founder Top 20 Team
the late 80's as it
became clear to our industry that Herbalife was not going to
be the driving force it once was any time soon, many new companies popped up to
fill the void. They all promoted themselves as "the next Herbalife".
And I was getting offers to help launch them.
In 1989, three
of the top ten Herbalife distributors broke away and created
Omnitrition International. I was invited to join and worked my way
immediately to the Founders Top 20 Team. I didn't stay with
Omnitrition very long, they didn't meet my standards, but my time
there helped change the whole industry by replacing hotel meetings
(that's how we did it in those days)
with a new way to communicate massively. My team perfected the
Opportunity Conference Call for recruiting and training new
distributors. We established the format and made it affordable to
use as a duplication tool for the masses. Recruiting calls changed
the growth of the industry during the 90's and 2000's, largely
replaced today by webinars and Zoom calls. I still like 'em.
From 1990 until 2005 I produced
and hosted recruiting calls one to three times a week for some of
the fastest growing network marketing companies. Over the years I
have been honored to train many thousands of people on the benefits
of natural health and network marketing, and showing them how to
turn their product results into referrals and residual income.

1992: I was hired as VP Sales Of Radiant Life
1992 I had my first experience as a corporate executive, as VP Sales
for Radiant Life. I was able to increase the sales volume of that
company 300% within three months.
I learned about corporate politics at a higher level, and how much I
didn't like it. ;)

1993: Launching LifeTrends With Internationally -Known
Business Trainer Bobby Pang and former Avon VP Tom Wately.
I was invited to help launch LifeTrends;
a subsidiary of Nature's Sunshine, the large traditional herbal
products company. Working with Bobby Pang was instrumental in my
future success. Most of all he taught me the importance of teaching
the structure of our unique business model to new distributors. It
served me well.
LifeTrends was a great example of how all
of the pieces need to be strong and in place for a nutritional
network marketing company, and even then success is difficult. We
had plenty of money, infrastructure support, and experienced
coporate leadership. It failed within 6 months. I learned my lesson
about start-up companies.
They almost all fail within 5 years. I wanted a permanent business.

1996 : With Slender Now and First Fitness founder Lee Causey
After LifeTrends I was invited to join
First Fitness International. I built a large national organization
that produced about 10% of the company volume for years. And I got
to work directly with Lee Causey.
Lee is one of the real pioneers of massive growth in MLM.
In my opinion, there were three leaders who really built the network marketing
industry. And they built it on nutritional weight loss. Lee Causey
created the hugely successful Slender Now company in the 1970's,
featured as a front page story in the Wall Street Journal. Slender
Now was, in many ways, the "father" of Herbalife founded by Mark
Hughes, the second leader that helped create what we have today. The
third leader working during those early years, Jim Coover, came into
my life a decade later as you will see. Jim's career eclipsed
everyone else and he and his wife Kathy, an industry legend and a
powerhouse in her own right, later redefined the whole
industry. I wish I had met them sooner.

1996: My Team Leaders At A First Fitness
I worked with
and learned from some great people at First Fitness. I want to
especially mention Rubi Celestine, second from left in the photo
above. Rubi was the driving force in my First Fitness organization,
a 'firecracker!", and the events I did with Rubi and her team in the
greater Washington D.C. area were among the best, and the most fun,
of my career.

2003: With Seasilver Founder Bela Berkes and CEO
Jason Berkes.
A Win Against Regulatory Excess
Here we go; more life-changing
Seasilver was a huge success in the early 2000's. As a result they
ran into some more of that unfair regulatory excess I had
experienced several times by then. When they reached $100 million a
month in sales the FTC shut them down for "misleading labeling" and
I was brought onboard to hold together the very large field
organization of that company and train them to a high perspective.
I succeeded at that, working with some of their dedicated leaders to
hold most of the organization together while we got the company

I became Seasilver's in-house marketing consultant, trainer, and
spokesman for 18 months.
Seasilver was the largest company where I worked at the corporate
level and helped to make major decisions. I learned a lot. During
that time I also spent a week with a senior FTC lawyer, a great guy
it turned out. It was enlightening.
My time at Seasilver ended unpleasantly; and six months after I
resigned the company closed. All in all, the whole thing was a
wonderful learning experience for me, and a highlight of my career.
I like fixing broken things.

2006: With Jim And Kathy Coover, Co-Founders of Isagenix International
I was very ill in 2006 and my research to find a personal solution
caused me to reach out to Isagenix International. I believed their
foundational wellness products would be helpful to me. The company
founders Jim and Kathy Coover flew me out to Arizona to meet them
and tour the company, and I am forever grateful to them for their
kindness then, and since. They are a remarkable power couple that
having taken our industry to new heights and have redefined personal
transformation for millions of people around the world.
Jim Coover is the third leader who helped to create our industry
back in the 1970's-1980's. He built the second massive growth
company with a nutritional weight loss solution, The Cambridge
Diet. Jim later became an in-demand industry consultant and pioneer
of adaptagenic herbs and and Isagenix became the industry leader.
Jim is one of the finest people I have ever known.
The Coovers and Isagenix helped turn my life back around, as they
have done for so many. They've restored quality and results to an
industry drowning in its own hype. Isagenix is the future of natural
wellness and healthy aging products, and financial wellness
opportunities. There is nothing else like it.

2024: Out Of Retirement To Serve
So many people need to be healthier, relieve financial stress and
other stresses, and have a greater sense of hope for their future.
I've been retired for 17 years; learning and growing,
gaining a deeper understanding of the world around us.
Today, I see the
degree of physical, mental, emotional, and financial challenges
people face. Things have gotten out of hand in our world. I know
that solutions to global issues are coming, but right now more than ever, people need what I can
offer, and I am anxious to teach them and learn from them, and lead
them into their better future.
If you want these things, or
want to help me bring our clinically proven solutions to people
around the world, I'm looking forward to meeting you. It's
incredibly rewarding.
Legal Disclaimers:
This website is designed and maintained by Phil Zulli, Natural Health Advocate,
Business Trainer, and Isagenix Independent
Associate. All opinions expressed are mine exclusively and do not
necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of any of the companies
mentioned on this site.
about nutritional products in this
have not been
evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The programs and
products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure,
or prevent any disease.
Issues discussed at in this website are for educational purposes
only. We are not engaged in rendering medical advice or professional
medical services. Any medical or other decisions should be made in
consultation with your qualified health care provider.
The weight loss testimonials presented apply only
to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not
be considered typical. A 2008 university study showed a
statistically significant weight loss of 7 lbs during the first 9
days of the Cleansing and Fat Burning System. As with any health
or fitness program, a sensible eating plan and regular exercise
are required in order to achieve long-term weight loss - See more
at: https://thebuzz.isagenix.com/en-US/disclaimers#sthash.IN9rHMJq.e5ylcoen.dpuf
The weight loss testimonials presented apply only to
the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be
considered typical. A 2008 university study showed a statistically
significant weight loss of 7 lbs during the first 9 days of the
Cleansing and Fat Burning System. As with any health or fitness
program, a sensible eating plan and regular exercise are required in
order to achieve long-term weight loss.
**Earning levels for Isagenix® Independent Associates that appear
in this publication are examples and should not be construed as
typical or average. Income level achievements are dependent upon
the individual Associate’s business skills, personal ambition,
time, commitment, activity and demographic factors. For average
earnings, see the Isagenix Independent Associate Earnings
Statement found at www.IsagenixEarnings.com. - See more at:
**Earning levels for Isagenix® Independent Associates that appear
in this publication are examples and should not be construed as
typical or average. Income level achievements are dependent upon
the individual Associate’s business skills, personal ambition,
time, commitment, activity and demographic factors. For average
earnings, see the Isagenix Independent Associate Earnings
Statement found at www.IsagenixEarnings.com. - See more at:
Earning levels for Isagenix® Independent Associates that appear in
this publication are examples and should not be construed as typical
or average. Income level achievements are dependent upon the
individual Associate’s business skills, personal ambition, time,
commitment, activity and demographic factors. For average earnings,
see the Isagenix Independent Associate Earnings Statement found at
TRADEMARKS. Products referenced herein are either
trademarks [™] or registered trademarks [®] of their respective