Multipure Drinking Water Systems
The Most Effective  in the World - Since 1970!

Phil Zulli - Multipure Independent Distributor SInce 1988 - ID #

Every Family Needs The Best Drinking Water For Their Health
Every Family Needs Multipure

Healthy, Fresh, Delicious!

Multipure removes the great range of contaminants, to the highest levels, at the best flow rate of any drinking water system available.

• Multipure Has Led The Drinking Water Industry For 50 Years
• NSF Certified To Be The Most Effective Drinking Water System
• The First To Be NSF Certified for Forever Chemicals
PFOA, PFOS, And Microcystin
• Fast Flow Rate - No Wasted Water, there when you need it.
• Convenient - Replace The Cartridge Once A Year
Costs Only 15
to 36 A Gallon After Initial Purchase!
• Save Hundreds Of Dollars Per Year Over Bottled Water Costs
• This Is What Safe, Healthy Water Tastes LIke!


Concerned About PFAS "Forever Chemicals"?

Multipure Is NSF Certified For PFAS (PFOA, PFOS)

"By becoming the first to earn NSF-certification for PFOA, PFOS, and microcystin under Standard 53, Multipure has shown that we are committed to leading the way for powerful, comprehensive, third-party- tested-and-verified drinking water treatment."



PFAS chemicals, also known as Forever Chemicals, are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to tap water contamination. Our drinking water, whether it is municiple or well water, has been compromised.

I first started researching this from a health perspective in 1985. It was a serious problem then; much worse now.

The contamination is well-documented but very under-reported.

The regulations are based on prevalance not human safety because that's the best they can offer given the high level of risk and the lack of funds to solve the problem.

It's up to us to take care of it in our own homes, removing as much of, and as many, contaminants as possible at point-of-use. For most of us that's the kitchen sink.

Multipure is the clear answer.


Drink The Best Water!

The Perfect Solution For The Safest, Healthiest Water
Multipure is NSF certified to be the most effective drinking water filter available.
• Convenient and easy to use, instantly available right at your tap.
• Very affordable.
• Pays for itself and saves money over time compared to bottled water.
• You rarely find a product choice as clear as this one.
• Everyone needs a Multipure Drinking Water System.

Water Is Our Most Immediately Vital Nutrient

We are made largely of water: 60%+ and our brain, heart and lungs are 80% water. Our liver and kidneys do the job or cleansing our body but are only capable of so much. We are experiencing toxic overload as a result of our modern, industrial world.

Our drinking water feeds all of our body's processes and helps eliminate toxins from our organs and cells. And yet most people take it for granted.

Multipure is NSF Certified To Be The Most Effective

Multipure removes the great range of contaminants, to the highest levels, at the best flow rate of any drinking water system available.

A Multipure system makes your drinking water clean, healthy, and delicious, far beyond any drinking water standards. It would be next to impossible to make all the water in your home that good, but purifying it at your kitchen sink and ice maker is simple, and guaranteed. And unlike other technologies, it leaves the healthful minerals and what I call the 'life-force" of the water intact.

Since 1988, all of my family, friends, and customers have been very happy with the peace of mind that these extremely effective units provide. And all agree; it's the best tasting water they've ever had! People love their Multipure.

Since 1970, Multipure has delivered exceptional quality and customer service. Used worldwide in hospitals, embassies, and by famous chefs and restaurants, Multipure is an industry leader.

Multipure Is Affordable
Multipure is the #1 certified unit available and very affordable; the units range from $550 to $1,335 depending on your needs and includes the installation kit with faucet, a 90 day satisfaction guarantee and a Lifetime Warranty on the housing.

That means first year cost breaks down to 70ข to $2.66 a gallon.You save a lot of money after that; the annual filter cartridge cost is 15ข to 36ข per gallon.

A Multipure system can pay for itself in the first year if you're currently using bottled water. 

The water is instantly available and free flowing with no water waste. Pets and plants know the difference right away. And tea, coffee, and drinks prepared with Multipure water, and foods cooked in it taste so much better.



In addition to removing the highest level of contaminants, Multipure eliminates the taste and odor of tap water. Now your water is delicious and that means you'll drink more healthy water and your family will drink more healthy water.

Everyone who purchases a Multipure reports the same thing. Everyone drinks more water because it tastes great. Even pets notice the difference and drink more water. And your houseplants will tell the story; after a few weeks of getting Multipure water they look better and grow faster.


Water Filter Technology:
What you don't know CAN hurt you!

There is no shortage of water filters on the market. But the three technologies commonly used; carbon filtration, reverse osmosis and distillation, all have serious shortcomings and were designed primarily for taste and odor, not your health.

These common water filter technologies DO NOT produce the most healthful, best tasting drinking water.

• Carbon filters improve taste and odor, and the better ones can reduce some chemical contamination when they are maintained properly. They are not effective for most of the chemicals that are know to products negative health effects.

But carbon filters do little for microscopic particles i.e. asbestos, heavy metals like lead, and bacteria or cysts.

They are surprisingly expensive to maintain.

• Distillation, hyped to mythic levels by 1960's health gurus, produces a very aggressive water that's great for cleansing fasts (and steam irons) but unsuitable for a daily source of vital drinking water.

Distillation removes the minerals and the vitality from water, and it tastes flat.

• Reverse Osmosis (RO) devices also strip water of the minerals and vitality needed for optimum heath, tastes flat and takes time to produce water.

Very expensive to maintain, wastes water, and produces only small amounts of treated water at a time.

If you need more filtered water than the reservoir holds, you’re out of luck – expect to wait an hour or two to get a usable amount of clean water available. Filtered water is only useful if you can get it when you need it.

NOTE: There is a definite, documented correlation between drinking soft water(water with low mineral content), and heart disease and stroke.


 Bottled Water Is Clearly NOT The Answer

Bottled water is a "quick fix" that many people turn to when they have concerns about tap water or when they simply want better tasting water.

But bottled water is very expensive, and the quality of the water is uncertain. Bottled water is regulated as a food and therefore is not required to meet drinking water standards. If you must use bottled water temporarily, make sure it says "spring water" and that the source is specified on the label.

Multipure systems pay for themselves quickly compared to the cost of bottled water and there is no comparison in the taste or health of the water.


Multipure Drinking Water Systems

Used worldwide in hospitals, embassies, and by famous chefs and restaurants since 1970


Multipure Is CERTIFIED To Be The Most Effective Drinking Water System You Can Buy

National Sanitation Foundation


Of the thousands of drinking water products certified by the NSF Standard 53, only nineteen reduce all nine categories of contaminants at the highest flow rate.

Those top nineteen products are all manufactured by Multipure.

Multipure Is Certified By NSF For:
•Standards 42 - Aesthetic Effects
•Standard 53 - Health Effects
•Standard 401 -
Emerging Compounds/Incidental Contaminants
•Standard P231 - Microbiological Water Purifiers





Multipure Drinking Water Systems

• Multipure Aqualuxe System is the first to be certified for PFAS (PFOA, PFOS) and Microcytin.
• First to be certified for Lead and MTBE

Certifications, registrations, and documentation include:

• EPA Establishment No. 41130-CA-001
• State of California, Department of Health Services.
• Iowa Department of Public Health.
• Wisconsin , Bureau of Building Water Systems.
• Consumer Digest; listed “ Best Buy”
• 90 Day Money Back Guarantee
• Lifetime Product Warranty On The Housing
• Over 3 Million Satisfied Customers

The Superiority Of The Multipure Drinking Water System Is Well Documented

Multipure - PEACE OF MIND

If you want the peace of mind offered by providing your family with the very best drinking water, invest in a Multipure.

The Multipure Drinking Water System is expected to do a critical job; to provide families with a continuous supply of safe drinking water.

Documentation has been assembled over the last 4 decades to give you total peace of mind when choosing and using a drinking water system.

After promoting Multipure for more than 25 years, it is still the only drinking water system I can recommend. Anything else is a poor value when it comes to all the reasons to make your drinking water healthier and great tasting.


Choose Your Multipure Drinking Water System
Lifetime Warranty On The Stainless Steel Housing

If you have questions or would like help choosing the right Multipure unit for you, call or text me at (386) 287- 2371


Aquaversa - $550.00 - $715.00
Standard Model

Average Under-Sink Kit $630.00

First Year Cost - 85ข per gallon
Includes Cost Of Unit
Every Year After - 15ข per gallon
Replacement Filter Cost - $95.00 - rated for 750 gallons

Aquaperform - $695.00 - $870.00
Additional Arsenic Protection

Average Under-Sink Kit $775.00

First Year Cost - $1.05 per gallon
Includes Cost Of Unit
Every Year After - 25ข per gallon
Replacement Filter Cost - $150.00 rated for 600 gallons

Aqualuxe -- $1,250.00 - $1,335.00
The Ultimate Water Filter Machine

Average Under-Sink Kit - $1330.00

First Year Cost - $2.66 per gallon
Includes Cost Of Unit
Every Year After - 36ข per gallon
Replacement Filter Cost - $180.00 rated for 500 gallons

Capacity-metered Indicator
for below sink models:

   Add $3500

LCD display, audible alert when capacity is reached

• Aquaversa Shower Filter - $70.00





Place Your Order Online Above


Call Multipure Toll-Free To Order
(800) 738-9896

Your Multipure Distributor is
Phil Zulli - ID #433264


Call or Text Phil Zulli Directly
(386) 287- 2371

I'm happy to answer your questions
and help you choose the Multipure right for you.





If You're Ready For Change, Ready For A Better Way...

Let Me Be Your Guide. Let's Connect.
There Is No Charge For An Initial Phone Consultation.


Phil Zulli
Florida, USA

Call me

 Send me an email







Legal Disclaimers:

This website is designed and maintained by Phil Zulli, Natural Health Advocate, Business Trainer, Isagenix Independent Associate, and Multipure Senior Builder. All opinions expressed are mine exclusively and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or policies of any of the companies mentioned on this site.

Statements about nutritional products in this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The programs and products described herein are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

Issues discussed at in this website are for educational purposes only. We are not engaged in rendering medical advice or professional medical services. Any medical or other decisions should be made in consultation with your qualified health care provider.

The weight loss testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. A 2008 university study showed a statistically significant weight loss of 7 lbs during the first 9 days of the Cleansing and Fat Burning System. As with any health or fitness program, a sensible eating plan and regular exercise are required in order to achieve long-term weight loss.

TRADEMARKS. Products referenced herein are either trademarks [™] or registered trademarks [ฎ] of their respective owners.